Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Welcome to Diabetic Life South Africa!

This month, February 2007, will be 21 years that I have been a Type 1 Diabetic. Yes for the past 21 years I have been taking insulin shots 4 times a day and coping well with this disease. I feel that it is about time that I shared my trials and tribulations with the rest of the world. It is widely known that there is no cure for Diabetes, only treatment. They say that education is the key to living with Diabetes. It is my hope to create a network of Diabetics who are thriving in spite of the difficulties we face on a daily basis. There are many people who are doing great work for diabetics. But I believe that we (Diabetics) should take "control" of our own future. We should be directly involved in helping ourselves and helping our fellow diabetics who are afflicted by this disease. So keep in touch and look out for news and information. In the meantime send me your comments and watch this space...


Unknown said...

I think that it's a good initiative starting this blog, and empowering fellow Diabetics through education, sharing experiences, and transactional participation. And who better to take Diabetes more seriously that Diabetics? So let every willing person (diabetic or not), take part responsibility to inform, educate and participate on this blog. All the best, and may it grow from strength to strength.

PS: Remember, Diabetes is not only a disease, it's a lifestyle for millions the world over.

devan rungan said...

Howzit Krish
Great idea. There are some exciting developments on the diabetes front that can be communicated through an initiative like yours. Things that come to mind are subcutaneous insulin pumps that will provide a constant supply of insulin, Islet cell transplants, sitagliptin - new type II drug etc. I will post any new information I come across. Devan